Self help
Geneos Self-help
Geneos FAQs
- Geneos - Geneos 7 Upgrade FAQs
- Geneos - ALERT GOVERNANCE: How do I manage my alerts such that I am not overwhelmed?
- Geneos - Managing Load in Geneos
- Geneos - Foundation in Geneos Accreditation Exam
- GENEOS - Monitoring Solace systems using Geneos
- Geneos - How to monitor Mainframes like IBM AS/400
Active Console FAQs
- Geneos - Can I run two Active Consoles on the same machine.
- Geneos - How to generate a list of samplers on a Gateway
- Geneos - What happens if a # character is present in my dataview.
- Geneos - Is there a Web version of Active Console.
- Geneos- How to create an exportable report with values
- Geneos - Active Console - Refactor List Views containing XPaths with Non-Identifying Predicates
Active Dashboard and Palette FAQs
- Geneos - How to display date and time on a dashboard
- Geneos - How to access object properties more quickly in Active Console Dashboard
- Geneos - Active Console - Why does the Active Console complain when importing a dashboard.
- Geneos - Active Console - Infrastructure Monitoring Dashboard (Example Dashboard)
- Geneos - Templated Dashboards
- Geneos - Dashboards - How to set links when using custom tools in the dashboard
Dashboard and Web Server FAQs
- Geneos - Newer Webserver / Web Dashboard versions are not compatible with Java 8
- Geneos - Web Dashboard - How to solve "keytool error: keystore password was incorrect" due to unsupported characters
- Geneos - Web Dashboard - Page cannot be reached
- Geneos - Web Dashboard - How to solve a blank web dashboard or object after upgrading to GA4.12 and above
- Geneos - Web Dashboard's Mbeans
- Geneos - Why is my Webdashboard blank when uploaded in a RHELv7.4 + system
Gateway Setup Editor FAQs
- Geneos - Rule block is greyed out
- Geneos - How to add an additional row / column to a dataview
- Geneos - 'schemas' : Unmatched child node. Perhaps the nodes are in the wrong order, or the node is invalid at this location?
- Geneos - How do I input a comment in a rule?
- Geneos - Why do the parentheses disappear in the rule
- Geneos - How to reformat an existing datacell? e.g. change the display unit
Gateway 2 FAQs
- GENEOS - Password Retrieval from HashiCorp Vault
- GENEOS - In running post setup apply script from the Gateway server, inside hooks directory. Is there any in-built variable that auto detects the gateway name?
- Geneos - How to determine if the value in a cell is a number or a string
- Geneos - Gateway data handling methodology
- Geneos -How to get snooze history
- Geneos - How to repeat an action every 30 minutes if the triggered rule condition remains valid?
Gateway2 Error messages
- Geneos - Gateway - Crash after "Too many open files" error is logged
- Geneos - Gateway - Why does the error "ERROR: TRANSLATOR Unhandled message of type 5678" occur in the gateway
- Gateway - How to solve "FATAL: Gateway New <INSECURE/SECURE> listen port <port> is unavailable"
- Geneos - Gateway - What causes the error "startTime must be earlier than the endTime"
- Geneos - Gateway - What does the gateway log error "INFO: AlertManager Unable to determine snooze and active state of variable.." mean?
- Geneos - How to fix "WARNING Absolute/Relative secondary variables should not contains wildcards - only the first data-item returned will be used..." when saving Gateway configuration?
Geneos Databases and Data Retrieval FAQs
- Geneos - can we delete and move .dat files created by Database Logging
- Geneos - Why does Item deleted -1 occur
- GENEOS - Gateway Database Logging - How to reduce data in a database table
- Geneos - what does the error mean: WARN: DBLogger::updateCellLogValueFailed Failed to lookup dataitem '<XPath>', log success state may be invalid
- Geneos - How to solve the error "ct_connect(): protocol specific layer: internal Client Library error: There is a tds login error. The installed encryption handler returned a status that was not CS_SUCCEED"
- Geneos - Gateway - Gateway database logging, performance and .dat dump files
Gateway Hub FAQs
- [Gateway Hub] - How to Query Gateway Hub API Metrics
- Geneos - Gateway Hub - how to recover the apid service if it could not keep up after a service failure
- Gateway HUB - How to recreate Postgress database in one of the nodes
- Gateway Hub: How to tell if Timescale is keeping up with data compression and retention policies
- Geneos - Hub - SSO & Kerberos Token size limits
- Geneos - Gateway Hub installation and cloud-init based system issues
Licence Daemon and Licensing FAQs
- Geneos - why is my gateway looking for a license file?
- Geneos - Gateway - Hot Standby Licensing and Setup Recommendation
- Geneos - How to verify available entitlements of current LICD license
- Geneos - Running multiple License Daemon instances on the same host
- Geneos - Where to find the license expiry date of the Control-M, VMware, and Nirvana (Terracotta) integration solutions
- Geneos - How to fix ORB_SYNCH_FAILED_EVENT error running the Licence Auditor tool
Security and User Access FAQs
- Geneos - How to use the default CA bundle store for HTTPS server verification for Ubuntu and SLES platforms
- Geneos - Is it possible to locate to all users setup with Administrator permissions within Geneos across all my gateways
- Geneos - How to disable manual snooze function
- Geneos - is data transmission between netprobe and gateway encrypted by default
- Geneos - How to restrict which data a user can view from a gateway
- Geneos - How do Command Permissions and Command Groups work in Gateway Authentication
NetProbe FAQs
- Geneos - Microsoft kill in Windows Netprobe Package
- Geneos - How to ensure that two different Self Announcing Netprobes connect to the same Gateway.
- Geneos - How to configure Self Announcing NetProbe with Collection Agent
- Geneos - NetProbe - Does the Microsoft Visual C++ Package impact the netprobe.
- Geneos - A Managed Entity shows a warning triangle / exclamation mark on the State Tree
- Geneos - ERROR: ProcessContext::initialise Unable to get group info : Success(0) message appears in NetProbe log file
Monitoring File FAQs
- Geneos - How to monitor in FKM if a string is not written to the log for X time
- Geneos - how to monitor if log files are updated with specific patterns?
- Geneos - NetProbe - How do I monitor a file which changes its name ?
- Geneos - How to monitor a file whose name has characters between the date?
- Geneos - How to monitor number of files in a folder?