Geneos Databases and Data Retrieval FAQs
This section contains articles on Geneos Databases and Retrieval of that data FAQs
- Geneos - can we delete and move .dat files created by Database Logging
- Geneos - Why does Item deleted -1 occur
- GENEOS - Gateway Database Logging - How to reduce data in a database table
- Geneos - what does the error mean: WARN: DBLogger::updateCellLogValueFailed Failed to lookup dataitem '<XPath>', log success state may be invalid
- Geneos - How to solve the error "ct_connect(): protocol specific layer: internal Client Library error: There is a tds login error. The installed encryption handler returned a status that was not CS_SUCCEED"
- Geneos - Gateway - Gateway database logging, performance and .dat dump files
- Geneos - Does the var_ref value in Database Logging have a maximum limit?
- Geneos - Oracle index does not shrink when deleting data from a table
- Geneos - What is the format of the timestamp column in ITRS Geneos database?
- Geneos - Database - How to get a report of how many critical and warning alerts my gateway(s) are generating?
- Geneos - Gateway - Database Logging errors with maxRequestQueueSize being breached
- Geneos - What are the severity mappings for the event_table of databases?
- Geneos - How do I fix varname duplicates in Database Logging?
- Geneos - Are there scripts for creating the tables for Database Logging?
- Geneos - Why are there duplicated items with the same time stamp for the same data item in Database Logging?
- Geneos - How to estimate the required database size when database logging is turned on?
- Geneos - How to upgrade the Geneos Database Schema to the latest?