1. What is the compatibility of ITRS Analytics?
Ans: You can find the Compatibility Matrix for ITRS Analytics, this will give you an idea of what is supported across different components.
2. Where can I find the documentation about ITRS Analytics?
Ans: Please visit ITRS documentations site at this link.
3. I would like to see a ITRS Analytics demo, who should I contact?
Ans: You can contact your Account Manager for a demo, or go to www.itrsgroup.com, and click "Book a demo."
4. What are the requirements to install ITRS Analytics?
Ans: Please visit ITRS documentations site for the prerequisites section.
5. Where can I download ITRS Analytics?
Ans: Please visit ITRS documentations site for installation information and download.
6. Do I need license keys to use ITRS Analytics?
Ans: ITRS Analytics includes a temporary bootstrap licence during initial installation. Users are advised to update the license file within the grace period. Please check with your ITRS account manager or contact ITRS support team. You can check the current license and apply updated licenses at the Admin settings.
If you have any further questions:
Please contact our support team via the chat service box on any of our websites or raise a support request.
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