During an install of ITRS Analytics if this stalls run the following command:
kubectl get pods -A
If you notice an error with pipeline-task-provisioning service like below this is likely a memory resource allocation problem and you will need to increase the memory parameter threshold to resolve this.
kotsadm pipeline-task-provisioning-gzwf9 0/1 Error 0 38m
kotsadm pipeline-task-provisioning-m94dh 0/1 Error 0 37m
kotsadm pipeline-task-provisioning-qf6cq 0/1 Error 0 39m
kotsadm pipeline-task-provisioning-x7jbq 0/1 Error 0 39m
kotsadm pipeline-task-provisioning-zt9bk 0/1 Error 0 36m
Run the following which creates a yaml file - back this original file up and make a copy
kubectl -n kotsadm get job pipeline-task-provisioning -o yaml > ./ptp-job.yaml
Modify the file and make the following changes (right hand screen shows the changes)
Run the following commands:
kubectl -n kotsadm delete job pipeline-task-provisioning
kubectl -n kotsadm apply -f ptp-job.yaml
This should resolve the issue.
If you have any further questions:
- Please contact with our Client Services team via the chat service box available in any of our websites or via email to support@itrsgroup.com
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