Yes, Geneos can be configured to restart a process which has gone down, review the instructions below on how to achieve this.
Firstly you should setup a Processes sampler on the same machine which has the process you want to try and restart. Once run up you will see a view like below:
We are interested in the instance count column. We need to define a rule which detects the process dropping and running a script:
<rule name="Restart Process">
<target>/geneos/gateway[(@name="systemAlerts")]/directory/probe[(@name="iwhddb2")]/managedEntity[(@name="Helpdesk DB")]/sampler[(@name="processes")][(@type="process")]/dataview[(@name="processes")]/rows/row[(@name="mysqld")]/cell[(@column="instanceCount")]</target>
<pathAlias name="num">../../rows/row/cell[(@column="City")]</pathAlias>
<delay unit="samples">2</delay>
<action ref="Run Start Script"></action>
<delay unit="samples">2</delay>
We have added the delay 2 samples to ensure the process is truly down, and a further escalation to critical in case the restart does not work.
The Action definition:
<action name="Run Start Script">
<probe ref="Netprobe"></probe>
There will need to be a script relative to the Netprobe which you invoke. The name and path of which should replace the ./ in the action definition above.
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