Known issue
Workspaces created prior the GA4.0 Active Console version may load very slowly. This is due to dashboards that contain large images. This images tend to grow in size when a pre-GA4.0 Active Console is restarted.
This has been addressed starting in GA4.0. Hence, the solution is to install the latest Active Console and create a new workspace.
If there is still a need to use a pre-GA4.0 workspace, then do the following:
- Shut down the Active Console.
- Locate the workspace file. The said file (.awx) is actually a ZIP file.
- Extract the workspace file.
- Go to Dashboard.
- Locate the file Palettetools.xml.
- Open the said file using a text editor.
- Search for the string "fat":
< placeHolder >
< diagramCanvassId >-1</ diagramCanvassId >
< parentId >-1</ parentId >
< viewType >DashboardManager</ viewType >
< widgetBounds >
< height >254.69711303710938</ height >
< width >272.96649169921875</ width >
< x >78</ x >
< y >276</ y >
</ widgetBounds >
< zorder >-1</ zorder >
</ placeHolder >
</ activeGauge >
< tool >
< imageFileName >toolimage.24990118.png</ imageFileName >
< instantiable >true</ instantiable >
< metaData >
< entry >
< key >Category</ key >
< value >Widget</ value >
</ entry >
</ metaData >
< name >Fat Gauge</ name >
- Replace the widgetBounds > height, widgetBounds > width, widgetBounds > x, and widgetBounds > y of the affected workspace with the values in step 6.
- Save the changes.
- Repackage the workspace by zipping it.
- Start the Active Console.
- Load the modified workspace.
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