During a Replicate Pre-flight install process an error message may occur where P99 write latency is reported as too slow.
Example pre-flight command
sudo ./itrs-analytics install run-preflights --license license.yaml
This means that there is substantial disk latency and that it is likely that the pre-requisites have not been met. The pre-requisites can be found from the link below.
A support bundle will contain information which will also points towards disk latency being an issue
Look in the host-collectors, run-host directory for the k0scontroller-logs.txt
The command below can also be run
journalctl -u k0scontroller --no-pager | grep "too long"
Jan 21 09:26:57 myhostname k0s[5768]: time="2025-01-21 09:26:57" level=info msg="{\"level\":\"warn\",\"ts\":\"2025-01-21T09:26:57.025981Z\",\"caller\":\"etcdserver/util.go:170\",\"msg\":\"apply request took too long\",\"took\":\"3.742334451s\",\"expected-duration\":\"100ms\",\"prefix\":\"read-only range \",\"request\":\"key:\\\"/registry/leases/kube-node-lease/k0s-ctrl-myhostname\\\" \",\"response\":\"range_response_count:1 size:511\"}" component=etcd stream=stderr
From the log entry it is clear that latency is an issue - queries should complete in 100ms or less in this instance it is taking over 3 seconds.
took 3.742334451s
expected-duration 100ms
You need to ensure that SSD Disks are present and that the Disk requirement is strictly observed.
If you have any further questions:
- Please contact with our Client Services team via the chat service box available in any of our websites or via email to support@itrsgroup.com
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