You can use the REST API to look for data items in the XPath that are snoozed. As examples, you can look for managed entities, dataviews and table cells that are snoozed like below:
curl -u username:password -X GET -s --data '{"target":"//managedEntity[(state(\"snoozed\")=\"1\")] "}' http://gatewayHost:gatewayPort/rest/xpaths/match | python -m json.tool
curl -u username:password -X GET -s --data '{"target":"//dataview[(state(\"snoozed\")=\"1\")] "}' http://gatewayHost:gatewayPort/rest/xpaths/match | python -m json.tool
curl -u username:password -X GET -s --data '{"target":"//cell[(state(\"snoozed\")=\"1\")] "}' http://gatewayHost:gatewayPort/rest/xpaths/match | python -m json.tool
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