Snooze's default behavior
Snoozing a data item (e.g. a cell, a Managed Entity, a Netprobe, etc.):
- prevents its severity to propagate to its parents
- prevents the execution of actions/alerts
- prevents the Event Ticker to report severity changes on the snoozed data item
Modifying the default behavior
There are specific cases that require the severity changes to be reported in the Event Ticker even if the data item is snoozed. For example, severity changes that triggers the unsnoozing (AKA auto unsnooze) of a data item need to be reported in the Event Ticker. Auto unsnooze events are applied by commands such as /SNOOZE:untilChanges and /SNOOZE:severityTo.
To allow the Event Ticker to report these severity changes, the Gateway's tickerEventLogger > severityChangeEventRestrictions > snoozing setting needs to be set to alwaysFire.
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