You need to create a rule that uses Path Alias with a Relative Path of the other cells (columns)
- Create an additional column
- Create a rule with a target as the path value of the entire newly added column
You may use relative path on the target or the absolute (full) path
Sample relative path (slow on xpath evaluation):
Sample absolute (full) path (fast on xpath evaluation):
More about xpath slow and fast evaluation here - - Create path alias of the rows you want to compare
Sample path aliases:
Name: totalInodes
text: ../cell[(@column="totalInodes")]
Name: freeInodes
text: ../cell[(@column="freeInodes")] - Create your rule
Sample rule:
set $(freeInodes) path "freeInodes" value
set $(totalInodes) path "totalInodes" value
value $(totalInodes) - $(freeInodes) - Output
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