User encounters an error on azure monitoring having a hyphen on the initial of their secret key:
The issue was resolve by "=" in the command after secret-key (--secret-key='%AZURE_CREDENTIALS:3%' ):
While this solves the issue, other concern is how to apply this on all azure monitoring at once if all azure monitoring needed this to avoid error when already using it.
This was done with the steps below:
Before proceeding with the changes, please ensure that you back up your database.
# mysqldump -h '<DB Name>' -P 3306 -u root -p$(cat /opt/opsview/deploy/etc/user_secrets.yml | grep database_root | awk '{print $2}') --add-drop-database --extended-insert --opt --databases opsview | gzip -c > /var/tmp/databases.sql.gz
Once you have backed up your database, please note that you will need to access your database to use the command below to add the "=" to the service checks:
UPDATE servicechecks SET args = replace(args, "--secret-key ", "--secret-key=") where plugin = 'check_azure';
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