There are currently Google Cloud native databases such as GCP BigQuery or Snowflake.
Normally we would use sql-toolkit to monitor and query databases, but this would require compatible library and ODBC drivers, which are not currently available. Fortunately, there is an option where we can use Google Cloud SDK to get the same results and work seamlessly with Geneos.
This is done using the Google Cloud SDK command tools which can output SQL queries in CSV format, which we can then use to integrate with Geneos using the toolkit sampler.
- Install the latest Google Cloud SDK where you want to run the BigQuery sampler
- Authorize the Google Cloud service account under the account that runs the Geneos Netprobe:
gcloud auth activate-service-account [service_account_email] --key-file=[full path to service account json file]--project=[project id]
- Create a Toolkit sampler using this Google SDK
/usr/bin/bq query --quiet --format=csv --use_legacy_sql=false 'select * from some_bigquery_table'
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