Opsview - Troubleshooting Guides
Opsview Troubleshooting Guides
- Opsview - Notifications sent despite downtime
- Opsview - opsview_notifyd memory leak
- Opsview - DBI Connection failed: DBI connect('database=notifications;host=;port=13306','notifications',...) failed: Unknown database 'notifications'
- Opsview - BSM - Message Queue Count - METRIC CRITICAL - Message Count is ...msgs
- Opsview - CRONJOBS CRITICAL - Housekeeping cronjob has not successfully run for ... hours
- Opsview - Why does my collector show the wrong Opsview version in the UI?
- Opsview - Why is my new license key not showing in the UI?
- Opsview - Which components should be running on my DR orchestrator?
- Opsview - Why is my API query returning more information than I expect?
- Opsview - Why is memory usage on the orchestrator so high?
- Opsview - Why doesn't Opsview work after I restarted an Opsview host?
- Opsview - You have exceeded the maximum number of sessions you are permitted
- Opsview - opsview-freshnesschecker memory leak
- Opsview - METRIC UNKNOWN - Message Queue API call failed. Status 400: Bad Request
- Opsview - Reload already in progress
- Opsview - Hard restart all components on an Opsview host