Users should review the REST API plugin documentation as a start. We have summarized a few key points below.
- Java should be available for the Netprobe.
- The REST API plugin requires GA4.12.x Netprobe and above.
- Gateway must connect to the GA4.12.x Licence Daemon to validate the Gateway schema and tokens.
400 BAD REQUEST - Unable to create or update dataview
- The data sent from the REST request should be in JSON format. Please check that the data format is correct, and there are web sites that can help validate JSON format online.
404 Not Found
- The REST API endpoint uses a different port number from the Netprobe. Please check the port is correct, which can be found in Gateway Setup Editor under the probe's Advanced tab (default: 7136 for HTTP or 7137 for HTTPS)
- The REST request should include an URL that matches the correct Managed Entity, Sampler and Dataview names. Please note that these are case-sensitive.
405 Method Not Allowed
- Please check that the REST request is in PUT or DELETE method, not GET or POST or something else.
505 HTTP Version Not Supported
- Some users reported this error code when using "curl" command to send the REST request. The "curl" command may have issue passing space characters in the URL, which can cause the HTTP version header to shift in position. Please try to replace the space characters with %20 if this happens.
Further Reading
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