Product: ITRS Log Analytics
Release Number: 7.0.2
Release Date: June 29, 2020
Release Type: Micro
Previous Release: 7.0.1
What's New
- Manual incident - creating manual incidents from the Discovery section
- New kibana plugin - Sync/Copy between clusters
- Alert: Analyze historical data with defined alert
- Indicators of compromise (IoC) - providing blacklists based on Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP)
- Automatic update of MaxMind GeoIP Databases [asn, city, country]
- Extended LDAP support
- Cross cluster search
- Diagnostic script to collect information about the environment, log files, configuration files - utils/
- New beat: op5beat - dedicated data shipper from op5 Monitor
- Added `_license` API for elasticsearch (it replaces `license` path which is now deprecated and will stop working in future releases)
- `_license` API now shows **expiration_date** and **days_left**
- Visual indicator on **Config** tab for expiring license (for 30 days and less)
- Creating a new user now requires reentering the passoword
- Complexity check for password fields
- Incidents can be supplemented with notes
- Alert Spike: more detailed description of usage
- ElasticDump added to base installation - /usr/share/kibana/elasticdump
- Alert plugin updated - frontend
- Reimplemented session timeout for user activity
- Skimmer: new metrics and dashboard for Cluster Monitoring
- Wazuh config/keys added to script
- Logrotate definitions for Logtrail logfiles
- Incidents can be sorted by Risk value
- UTF-8 support for credentials
- Wazuh: wrong document_type and timestamp field
- Audit: Missing Audit entry for succesfull **SSO** login
- Report: "stderr maxBuffer length exceeded" - export to csv
- Report: "Too many scroll contexts" - export to csv
- Intelligence: incorrect work in updated environments
- Agents: fixed wrong document type
- Kibana: "Add Data to Kibana" from Home Page
- Incidents: the preview button uses the wrong index-pattern
- Audit: Missing information about login errors of ad/ldap users
- Netflow: fix for netflow v9
- MasterAgent: none/certificade verification mode should work as intended
- Incorrect CSS injections for dark theme
- The role could not be removed in specific scenarios
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Documentation can be found here.
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