In version 6.8.x there is an issue that could cause errors such as the following, 'character' being used that is failing the regex code: jkong's the apostrophe can cause issue the same issue can be seen when using double quotes " for adding a user, for example, user: Jenny "Lia" Kong
WARN - ldap: Error synchronising jkong: Failed allowed regex on 'fullname' with '^(?!\p{Z})[\p{L}\p{N} ,./+\-_]*$'
[opsview@opsview-orchmaster ~]$ /opt/opsview/webapp/bin/opsview_sync_ldap -y -D
INFO - Start
DEBUG - ldap: Attempting connection
INFO - ldap: Start
WARN - ldap: Error synchronising jkong: Failed allowed regex on 'fullname' with '^(?!\p{Z})[\p{L}\p{N}, './+\-_]*$'
INFO - Finished - 0 contacts deleted; 0 contacts added
INFO - End
Cause: The Implementation of UTF-8 in 6.8.x
This has happened due to the strict UTF-8 constraints being enforced in 6.8, therefore, causing such an issue
Even if you try setting up an account in the web UI with double quotes you get presented with I “Invalid Characters” error and therefore you cannot add an account
Workaround Solution:
Make a backup of the previous files and copy the new files attached to this case
cp /tmp/constraints.json /tmp/constraints_unhashed.json /opt/opsview/corelibs/lib/
chmod 440 /opt/opsview/corelibs/lib/constraints.json /opt/opsview/corelibs/lib/constraints_unhashed.json
chown root.opsview /opt/opsview/corelibs/lib/constraints.json /opt/opsview/corelibs/lib/constraints_unhashed.json
Restart opsview-web
and reload the web browser
- Opsview
- opsview
- exported_docs_10_05_24
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