The Query Timeout setting is the time the plugin will query again if a query had timed out.
The query timeout setting is configurable and the minimum value is 5 secs.
The timeout is the time limit for the network session to query entities in MIB.
While the time limit has not been reached, the valid session will open another query.
The interval for the next query relies on the network process response time.
Below are the steps on how the query time limit is set.
1. The timeout is first retrieved from the configuration parameter: queryTimeout
xml_timeout = queryTimeout;
2. If configuration value is zero, timeout is set as half the sample interval.
if queryTimeout = 0
xml_timeout = sampleInterval/2
xml_timeout = queryTimeout;
3. If value is less than 5 sec, query timeout is set by default to 5 sec.
if queryTimeout < 5
xml_timeout = 5
if (sampleInterval/2) < 5
xml_timeout = 5
4. Set the network session query timeout as current time and the xml_timeout
se_timeout = curr_system_time + xml_timeout
5. While current_time is less than the time limit, session will open another query.
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