How can I convert the unix timestamps found in the nagios and merlin log files into a human-readable format?
A quick way is to pipe the file through this perl oneliner:
perl -pe 's/(\d+)/localtime($1)/e' < nagios.log
# head -n1 nagios.log | perl -pe 's/(\d+)/localtime($1)/e'[Fri Aug 1 01:00:00 2014] LOG ROTATION: MONTHLY
To transform the timestamps into a sortable format instead, and also display the time zone used while converting, the bash function found below (which mostly comprises PHP code) can be used instead.
e2d(){ local php=' if(isset($argv[1])) if(!date_default_timezone_set($argv[1])) exit; $s = fopen("php://stdin", "r"); while (!feof($s)) { $l = preg_replace_callback( "/^\[([0-9]+)\]/", function($m) { $d = date("Y-m-d H:i:s O", $m[1]); return ("[$d]"); }, fgets($s) ); echo $l; } fclose($s); ' php <(printf '\n<?php%s?>\n' "$php") "$@"}
All the text in the block above (i.e. the bash function) can be copied and then pasted into the op5 Monitor server's bash shell (if connected via SSH that is), which will create a command called e2d that exists during the current shell session. To always have access to the command, the function can be pasted into ~/.bashrc or one of the other bash startup files.
A one-liner-formatted version of the function is found below, which is even easier to paste directly into the shell.
e2d() { php <(printf '\n<?php\nif(isset($argv[1])) if(!date_default_timezone_set($argv[1])) exit; $s=fopen("php://stdin", "r"); while(!feof($s)) { $l=preg_replace_callback("/^\[([0-9]+)\]/", function($m) { $d=date("Y-m-d H:i:s O", $m[1]); return("[$d]"); }, fgets($s)); echo $l; } fclose($s);\n?>\n') "$@"; }
The command is then used like this:
e2d < nagios.log
And some additional examples, which also show the time zone selection feature (defaults to localtime):
# head -n1 /opt/monitor/var/nagios.log | e2d[2014-08-01 00:00:00 +0200] LOG ROTATION: MONTHLY# head -n1 /opt/monitor/var/nagios.log | e2d GMT[2014-07-31 22:00:00 +0000] LOG ROTATION: MONTHLY# head -n1 /opt/monitor/var/nagios.log | e2d Europe/Helsinki[2014-08-01 01:00:00 +0300] LOG ROTATION: MONTHLY# head -n1 /opt/monitor/var/nagios.log | e2d America/Chicago[2014-07-31 17:00:00 -0500] LOG ROTATION: MONTHLY
Lists of supported time zones can be found in the PHP documentation.
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