This article describes how to monitor Microsoft Hyper-V.
For this how-to to work you need the latest op5 NSClient++ installed on your Hyper-V server.
Firewall settings
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="ICMPv4 Inbound" dir=in action=allow enable=yes profile=any localip=any remoteip=any protocol=icmpv4:8,any interfacetype=any edge=yes
Standard check
- Disk Usage
- Memory (see below)
- Swap
The following Windows services need to be monitored. Note that all services may not be used depending on the functions that you are using in your Hyper-V environment.
- Hyper-V Image Management Service (vhdsvc)
- Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management (vmms)
- Hyper-V Networking Management Service (nvspwmi)
Performance Counters
These performance counters will give a good monitoring of your hypervisor. To monitor guest CPU and memory usage and such, install the agent on the virtual machine and monitor it as any other server.
command: check_nrpe_win_counter
Arguments: \\LogicalDisk(C:)\\Avg. Disk sec/Read!MaxWarn=15!MaxCrit=25
Comment: System disk + disks with guest needs to be monitored.
- 1ms to 15ms = Healthy
- 15ms to 25ms = Warning or Monitor
- 26ms or greater = Critical, performance will be adversely affected
command: check_nrpe_win_counter
Arguments: \\LogicalDisk(C:)\\Avg. Disk sec/Write!MaxWar=15!MaxCrit=25
Comment: System disk + disks with guest needs to be monitored, the example is for C:, copy the check and replace C: with the guest disk.
- 1ms to 15ms = Healthy
- 15ms to 25ms = Warning or Monitor
- 26ms or greater = Critical, performance will be adversely affected
command: check_nrpe_win_counter
Arguments: \\Network Interface(Broadcom BCM5709C NetXtreme II GigE [NDIS VBD Client] _50)\\Output Queue Length!MaxWarn=1!MaxCrit=3
Comment: The instance name (in this example "Broadcom BCM5709C NetXtreme II GigE [NDIS VBD Client] _50) needs to be changed to the network interface instance name of your server, check performance counters for the correct name. This checks the output queue on the NIC.
- Less than 500 = Healthy
- 500 ? 1000 = Monitor or Caution
- Greater than 1000 = Critical, performance will be adversely affected
- 50% of free memory available or more = Healthy
- 25% of free memory available = Monitor
- 10% of free memory available = Warning
- Less than 5% of free memory available = Critical, performance will be adversely affected
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